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Maden endüstrisi

Zaman: 2021-09-23 Hitler: 29

Son yıllarda yurt içinde ve yurt dışında yeraltı madencilik teknolojisi hızla gelişmiş ve birçok yeni madencilik teknolojisi, yeni teknikler, yeni malzemeler ve yeni ekipmanlar yeraltı madenlerinde uygulanmaktadır. Bazı yerli madenler ve bir dizi gelişmiş madencilik teknolojisi ve ekipmanı, dünyanın ileri seviyesi saflarına girmiştir.

The development of mining technology and equipment in underground metal mines at home and abroad is mainly manifested in the proportions of various mining methods and the great changes in the mining technology and technical equipment. They are all developing in the direction of high efficiency, high recovery rate and mechanization. , The production capacity and labor productivity of stopes have been greatly improved, and the loss and dilution indicators have been greatly reduced.

Most of the mine bases are in relatively remote places, so the operation of these mining engineering machinery requires self-generation. Diesel generator sets are the best choice and are used for power supply in various mines.

Önceki: Communication

Sonraki : Petrol endüstrisi